Chinese Style Coconut Bread Pastry is such a traditional Chinese pastry that makes me feel if a bakery store doesn’t carry it, it can’t even be called bakery store in China!
I love those shredded coconuts on the bread, it tastes not too dry like other bread.
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2杯 高筋面粉
1大勺 糖
4克 干酵母粉
4大勺 黄油
1/2杯 牛奶(约95°F)
1颗 鸡蛋(室温)
4盎司 椰丝/椰蓉
1/2杯 牛奶
4大勺 黄油
3大勺 糖
1颗 鸡蛋(室温)
1. 将糖、牛奶和酵母粉混合,搅拌至均匀无颗粒。
2. 在一个较大容器中倒入高筋面粉并打入一个鸡蛋,倒入第一步中完成的混合物,将面团揉至不再粘手。
3. 在面团中加入黄油,揉至光滑。容器内壁应该没有残余的面粉,这可能需要一些时间,也可使用机器代劳。
4. 在盛放面团的容器上盖上湿布或蒙上保鲜膜,放入烤箱或微波炉,在容器旁放一杯热水进行发酵(1-2小时或直至面团发酵到2倍大小)。
5. 将面团取出排气,并进行6等分,揉成6个圆球放置一旁,盖上保鲜膜松弛15分钟。
6. 取出一个圆面团,擀平成大一些的长方形,由下而上将其卷起。其他5个也按此操作。放置一旁,盖上保鲜膜再松弛15分钟。
7. 取出一个卷起的面团,擀成中间厚四周薄的圆形面片。其他5个操作相同。
1. 将椰蓉馅料分成6等份,并揉成小球。
2. 取出一个圆形面片,包入一个椰蓉馅小球,四周封口,然后压扁。
3. 将压扁的面团擀成椭圆形,左右对折,再将其上下对折,然后从折线处开始在中间切一刀,末端需要留出1-2厘米,不要切断。
4. 将切开的两端进行90度翻转,将切面朝上,整形成心形。其余5个面团进行相同操作。
5. 将所有整形好的心形面团转移到烤盘上,放置15分钟进行松弛和二次发酵。
6. 预热烤箱至350°F,中层烘焙约20分钟即可完成。
Grounded Coconut Bread Pastry (椰蓉面包)
Ingredients for the Wrapper:
- 2 cups Bread flour
- 1 tablespoon sugar
- 4 g dry yeast
- 4 tablespoon butter
- 1/2 cup milk about 95°F
- 1 Egg room temperature
Ingredients for the Filling:
- 4 oz coconut shreds/flakes
- 1/2 cup milk
- 4 tablespoons butter
- 3 tablespoons sugar
- 1 Egg room temperature
- Melt 4 tablespoons butter, and mix all the filling ingredients in a bowl. Set aside and let the coconut shreds/flakes fully absorb the liquid.
- Mix 1 tablespoon sugar, 1/2 cup milk and dry yeast in a small bowl, stir until the yeast mixed well.
- Put 2 cups bread flour in a large bowl, add 1 egg and yeast mixture in the large bowl, mix all the ingredients well and knead the dough until it’s not sticky.
- Add 4 tablespoon butter and knead the dough until smooth and elastic. The inner surface of the large bowl should be smooth without flour mixture left too. It takes a few minutes.
- Cover the large bowl with a damp cloth or film wrap. Put it in the oven, and place a cup of hot water next to it.
- Close the oven and allow to rise until doubled in volume, about 1-2 hours.
- Take out the dough, knead the dough and let the bubble in the dough out.
- Divide the dough into 6 equal pieces and roll into 1.5-inches balls. Cover and set aside for 15 minutes.
- Roll out each dough ball into a thin sheet with a rolling pin, and then form each thin sheet into a roll. Cover and set aside for another 15 minutes.
- Use a rolling pin to roll out each dough into a round shape sheet, make sure the center of the sheet is thicker than the edge.
Heart-shape Bread:
- Divide the coconut fillings into 6 equal pieces and roll into 1 inch balls.
- Put the coconut ball in the center of the dough wrapper, seal it tightly and roll into a ball. Do the same for the others.
- Take each of the 6 dough balls and roll them into a long flat sheet. Please make sure you don’t break the dough, in case the coconut leak out. Fold the flat sheet into half from the long side, and then fold in half again from the long end, cut from the opposite side of the opening (1 inch apart from the opening) to divide it into 2 connected ropes. Twist out each rope for 90 degree and now you should see a heart shape dough. Complete the remaining dough.
- Put the heart-shape dough on a baking sheet, set aside for 15 minutes and let it rise and relax.
- Bake in preheated 350°F oven for about 20-30 minutes until nicely golden.
- All done! Take a picture and let us know how it turned out.